4 min readNov 23, 2018


GO DIE IN a FIRE is widely available on Amazon, including the e-book edition. Using the link below, however, allows you to purchase the paperback (or Collector’s Edition) directly from the author:

Let’s be clear here: you’re very welcome to buy it from Amazon. You will get it a little bit cheaper and a couple of days quicker if you buy it from Amazon. Nobody will blame you if you buy it on Amazon.

The author gets just 0.92p when you buy it from Amazon.
They take £9.07.

Jeff Bezos can #GoDieInAFire.

*The price and book itself are exactly the same, you just need to pay a few bob extra for shipping if you buy it directly.

Still not sure if GO DIE IN a FIRE is the right book for you? That’s fine! You’re allowed to be wrong. Perhaps a few e-chapters will whet your whistle:

Oh, you’re going all in? Look at Mr/Mrs/Ms Fancypants over here with their Collector’s Edition!

Buy direct, choose the Collector’s Edition at the checkout, and shove a few quid straight into Zeke’s back pocket. Give his bum a gentle squeeze while you’re in there. In return, you’ll get The Collector’s Edition: that’s a signed paperback copy of GO DIE IN a FIRE, plus three limited edition artboards (A5 size) and a sweet bookmark.


Zeke Iddon feels awkward writing about himself in third person. As such, he will write the rest of this bio in second person.

You were born in the frigid Northlands of England, circa 1984. You then spent twelve years wishing you didn’t live in such a desolate wasteland, and as a result you made the winding journey down to the desolate wasteland of South Devon.

In the years between the two, you worked as a pheasant beater (don’t ask), pub chef, telemarketer and trainee optician. Along the way you decided that an eye doctor who makes grilled cheese sandwiches while cold calling people and terrorising guinea fowl was a very niche career, so you decided to become a writer.

Striking out into the wild frontiers of the early Internet, your first project was Tittybiscuits.com — yes, you seriously decided to name your first website ‘Titty Biscuits’ — where you ran a literary ezine that featured the early works of such luminaries as Joseph D’Lacey and Karl Koweski.

You decided you quite liked writing so went off to study it at Bedfordshire University, graduating in 2005 and going on to become a freelance copywriter (with a hot, creamy serving of marketing on the side).

Your second writing project, Iron Man Mode, was an award-losing video game blog in which a bunch of writers blogged about playing games with only one life — the second you die in the game, the blog stops and the game is erased. It made a bunch of money for Child’s Play Charity, which everyone agrees is nice.

You ran a Youtube channel for a while and it got over a million views, which advertisers agree is nice.

You got a Guinness World Record for possibly the stupidest thing imaginable.

You then topped it by flying around the world for three days in a virtual cockpit, non-stop.

You had a son, Brunel, in 2017. You consider him to be a sort of contingency plan.

After ten years of juggling corporate work, your debut novel was finally completed in early 2018! It was published in late 2020.

You have decided to post a link to your Twitter feed.




GO DIE IN a FIRE: A novel about time-travelling Kickstarter campaigns, genocidal monsters who hate everything, and a girl stuck between the two of them.